
Study:大阪関西国際芸術祭 2025のサテライトプログラム「Co-Study」(コ・スタディ)募集開始!2025年関西万博をアート共創で取り組む芸術祭の公式サテライトプログラムを公募します

Recruitment of the satellite program "Co-Study"...

We are looking for people to join us in expanding the circle of art. The "Study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival (organized by the Osaka Kansai International Art Festival Executive...

Recruitment of the satellite program "Co-Study"...

We are looking for people to join us in expanding the circle of art. The "Study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival (organized by the Osaka Kansai International Art Festival Executive...

「Study:大阪関西国際芸術祭 2025」第1弾 アーティストを発表

"Study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival...

Ron Mueck, Patricia Piccinini, Maurizio Cattelan, Kamagasaki University of the Arts and others will study "What is a human being?" in the year of the World Expo, which has the...

"Study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival...

Ron Mueck, Patricia Piccinini, Maurizio Cattelan, Kamagasaki University of the Arts and others will study "What is a human being?" in the year of the World Expo, which has the...

10/21(月) アフリカンアート展 オープニングイベントにて開催!EXPO PLL Talks「アート & インパクト:イノベーターと共に考えるアフター万博の世界」vol.11

October 21st (Mon.) African Art Exhibition Open...

As part of the African Art Exhibition opening event program on Monday, October 21st, we will be holding EXPO PLL Talks "Art & Impact: Thinking about the Post-Expo World with...

October 21st (Mon.) African Art Exhibition Open...

As part of the African Art Exhibition opening event program on Monday, October 21st, we will be holding EXPO PLL Talks "Art & Impact: Thinking about the Post-Expo World with...

〈アーカイブ動画公開〉ウスビ・サコ氏 、河瀨直美氏 EXPO PLL Talks「アート&インパクト:イノベーターと共に考えるアフター万博の世界」vol.08&vol.09

Archive video of EXPO PLL Talks by Oussouby SAC...

The archived videos of the EXPO PLL Talks "Art & Impact: Thinking about the Post-EXPO World with Innovators," held in August and September, have been posted on YouTube. <Held on...

Archive video of EXPO PLL Talks by Oussouby SAC...

The archived videos of the EXPO PLL Talks "Art & Impact: Thinking about the Post-EXPO World with Innovators," held in August and September, have been posted on YouTube. <Held on...

「Study:大阪関西国際芸術祭 / EXPO PUBLIC ART」開催決定

"Study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival...

2025 World Expo, Japan (Osaka-Kansai Expo) Future Society Showcase Project Art Expo Public Art Exhibition of public art works by domestic and international artists at the Expo site Works from...

"Study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival...

2025 World Expo, Japan (Osaka-Kansai Expo) Future Society Showcase Project Art Expo Public Art Exhibition of public art works by domestic and international artists at the Expo site Works from...

Study:大阪関西国際芸術祭 2025|開催概要、各プログラム、企業版ふるさと納税活用を発表

Study: Osaka Kansai International Arts Festival...

Osaka Kansai International Art Festival will be held in the Osaka area from April to October 2025 during the Osaka-Kansai Expo. Experience art in Osaka's representative architecture, Tempozan, Nakanoshima, Nishinari,...

Study: Osaka Kansai International Arts Festival...

Osaka Kansai International Art Festival will be held in the Osaka area from April to October 2025 during the Osaka-Kansai Expo. Experience art in Osaka's representative architecture, Tempozan, Nakanoshima, Nishinari,...