〈アーカイブ動画公開〉ウスビ・サコ氏 、河瀨直美氏 EXPO PLL Talks「アート&インパクト:イノベーターと共に考えるアフター万博の世界」vol.08&vol.09

Archive video of EXPO PLL Talks by Oussouby SACKO and KAWASE Naomi, "Art & Impact: Thinking about the Post-EXPO World with Innovators" now available

イベント/event 2024-10-07

The archived videos of the EXPO PLL Talks "Art & Impact: Thinking about the Post-EXPO World with Innovators," held in August and September, have been posted on YouTube.

<Held on August 26th>
Oussouby SACKO EXPO PLL Talks "Art & Impact: Thinking about the Post-EXPO World with Innovators" vol.08

<Held on September 17th>
KAWASE Naomi EXPO PLL Talks "Art & Impact: Thinking about the Post-EXPO World with Innovators" vol.09