〈3月29日開催〉SHINGO★西成 × EXPO PLL Talksトークイベント、参加者募集中!

<Held on March 29th> Participants are now being recruited for the SHINGO★Nishinari × EXPO PLL Talks talk event!

イベント/event 2025-03-19

ARTLOGUE Inc., together with the 2025 Japan World Exposition Association, the Japan Arts Council, and the Agency for Cultural Affairs, is hosting a series of talk events, "EXPO PLL Talks Art & Impact: Thinking about the Post-Expo world with innovators," as part of the "Study: Osaka Kansai International Arts Festival."

This will be the 17th time the event is being held, and we will be welcoming guest SHINGO★Nishinari to hold a talk event at the Naniwasuji Mix Music Festival (Nakanoshima, Osaka)!

Event Outline

"Diversity existed even before the term LGBTQ was coined," says SHINGO★Nishinari. What kind of town is Nishinari? We will delve deeper into the way of life of the Nishinari people and their love for the town that he has entrusted to his raps.


[SHINGO★Nishinari × EXPO PLL Talks] Talk event
"Art & Impact: Thinking with Innovators about the Post-Expo World, Vol. 17"

Thinking about the future of Osaka from the streets of Nishinari, Osaka
SHINGO★Nishinari talks about the possibilities of the "real town" and "after the Expo."

●Date and time: March 29, 2025 (Sat) 16:00-17:00
● Venue: Osaka University Nakanoshima Center 5F Life Empathy Plaza (4-3-53 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka)
●Guest: SHINGO★Nishinari
Moderator: Daisuke Suzuki (CEO of Artlogue Inc., General Producer of Study: Osaka Kansai International Arts Festival)
Participation fee: Free

Register here >

Organized by: Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition, Osaka Kansai International Arts Festival Executive Committee (ARTLOGUE Inc.)
Cooperation: Naniwasuji Mix Music Festival ( https://nsmmf.jp/ )

■Guest Innovator

Artist: SHINGO★Nishinari

SHINGO★Nishinari Photo

He was born and raised in a tenement house near Sankaku Park in Nishinari, Osaka's ill ghetto, a flophouse district where the scent of the Showa era still lingers. He established the genre "SHINGO★Nishinari" with his unique Hip Hop and Reggae style. His wide range of guest appearances speaks for itself, and he has now become a hood star in Osaka. At the "Rice Donation Live" hosted by SHINGO★Nishinari, he collected about 3 tons of rice for soup kitchens and donated it all. In 2021, he took over the "Showa Records" banner and released his seventh album "Independence Day" in 2022. He will be sending out his soulful cry to the world from Japan, Kansai, Osaka, and his hometown of Nishinari.

Daisuke Suzuki
Founder and General Producer of the Study: Osaka Kansai International Art Festival

Photo by Daisuke Suzuki

Born on Culture Day, November 3, 1977. After participating in a research project at the Global COE of the Urban Research Plaza of Osaka City University, he started his own company. He won the Good Design Award in 2014, was a finalist in the 2015 Kyoto University GTEP Program (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), and won the OIH Award for global innovation at the 2016 Miraino Pitch (business contest: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Kinki Regional Bureau of Telecommunications).
On July 7, 2017, he founded ARTLOGUE Inc. with the vision of "Arts for Human and Planet" and became its CEO.
"Study: Osaka Kansai International Arts Festival" will be held in January and February 2022, with the aim of establishing the world's largest "Osaka Kansai International Arts Festival" to coincide with the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo.
An art innovator who aims to create a better society through the use of art.